Short-Term Geocosmics
The cosmic drama may be over now for a couple of weeks. But next on the horizon is the biggest celestial grouping of the year: the Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto grand cardinal cross, which enters its most potent period of influence March 29-April 25. Everything until then is either just a prelude to the main event, or else the main event has already started and just keeps increasing its intensity until it reaches a climax around that time.Of interest to traders will be the ingress of heliocentric Mercury into Sagittarius, March 13-25. This period typically witnesses several financial markets making large price swings. These swings can actually begin up to a week before. There will be a mutable full moon on March 16 as well, which is near the start of the heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius time. That will likely magnify the amplitude of price swings, especially in precious metals and currencies.,-2014/