
2014年3月15日 星期六

Short-Term Geocosmics

轉載  : MMA Comments for the Week Beginning March 17, 2014

Short-Term Geocosmics

   As stated last week, “Of interest to traders will be the ingress of heliocentric Mercury into Sagittarius, March 13-25. This period typically witnesses several financial markets making large price swings. These swings can actually begin up to a week before. There will be a mutable full moon on March 16 as well, which is near the start of the heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius time. That will likely magnify the amplitude of price swings, especially in precious metals and currencies.” That combination is still in force through this coming week. Both Gold and European Currencies made new multi-week highs last week.

    Everything is escalating to the March 29-April 25 period, which may be the most intense planetary pattern of a lifetime. It doesn’t mean a specific event happens then, but it could. It could also be a very profound decision made by one of several government or banking leaders, the consequences of which may not be known right away. The last time anything remotely this powerful occurred was in late July-early August 2010. At that time, the Federal Reserve Board made the decision to not end its quantitative easing program, but instead expand it into QE2. It changed the entire financial world. Investors were forced into becoming traders unless they were quite happy with returns of less than 3% over 10 years. Savers vanished from the economy as interest rates (yields on savings accounts) dropped to 0 -.25% and to this day have not recovered. Imagine: if you had $100,000 in your saving account in mid-2007 and it earned 5% per annum as it did back then, your account today would be worth close to $150,000, an increase of 50% - an extra $50,000 in your account. But the rates did not stay at 5%. They fell to 0% and instead of having a $50,000 extra increase, you have nothing, due to the decision made at that time. That’s a lot of spending power taken from the economy. The thing is, this forthcoming cosmic pattern is just as powerful as that one in 2010, and the consequences could be just as important to the world at large.

    Personally, I think the major players leading up this grand cardinal square are political leaders, like Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama, and maybe Angela Merkel, and not banking leaders. The grand square is hitting all three of them, or the countries they preside over.

